
Does Canada Need to TRIPLE it's renewable energy production for EV's?

Does Canada Need to TRIPLE it's renewable energy production for EV's?
In this Episode we discuss NIO EV's battery swapping stations in Norway Shell Goes big on Electric Vehicle Charging in the UK IVY network expansion...

Is it really cheaper to fuel and EV over an ICE car, find out in today's Northern Electric Vehicle Experience.

Is it really cheaper to fuel and EV over an ICE car, find out in today's Northern Electric Vehicle Experience.
Ever wonder if it really is cheaper to fuel and EV versus an Ice vehicle.  In this episode I discuss this at length and provide commentary on the a...

I Bought and Electric Car.....Should you?

I Bought and Electric Car.....Should you?
This is a great episode for people that are thinking about buying an electric car. I walk you through my decision making process and hopefully help...

Why would anyone want a Tesla Model Y?

Why would anyone want a Tesla Model Y?
Special Shout out to Peter Mansbridge for mentioning this podcast on his Podcast "The Bridge", as you would expect Peter's podcast is excellent, yo...

If I live in an apartment building can I still buy an EV?

If I live in an apartment building can I still buy an EV?
In this episode a listener writes in to ask what to do if he lives in a condo without EV charging. Is it impossible to wire a condo for EV chargers...

I'm Back....

I'm Back....
After a long absence Northern Electric Vehicle Experience is back on the Air!

What do I do if I have to go on a roadtrip?

What do I do if I have to go on a roadtrip?
I get this question a lot.  Usually random people stopping me in the parking lot, or at work or whatever.  This episode goes deep into range, what it really is, what you need for daily use and what do you do when you have to drive beyond your normal range?  Have a listen, it really isn't scary.

So Many EV chargers....Which one is right for me!

So Many EV chargers....Which one is right for me!
We cover what types of charging standards and connectors are out there.  Brands of chargers, and why you might choose one over the other.  What is involved to hook it up?

Wow that torque is wild!

Wow that torque is wild!
This episode covers picking up my Chevrolet Bolt EV, learning about regenerative braking, and what the torque is like in an EV. I also cover some details about the vehicle, how it operates, and why it's fun to drive.

Northern EV Podcast - Introduction to Electric Vehicles

Northern EV Podcast - Introduction to Electric Vehicles
This podcast is dedicated to those who own or want to own an electric vehicle and live in a northern climate. My name is Ron and I live in Canada, and have owned a Chevrolet Bolt EV since early 2017. On this program I will attempt to explain what it is like owning an EV, the in's and outs of EV ownership and why I will never go back to an ICE vehicle ever again! I will also attempt to answer any questions you have so please send them to me and we can all learn together.